How It Works

Use the DEETS platform to its full potential.

Step 1.

Get Started

This is where the FIT journey kicks off!

Sign In/Up, Claim Listings that you might already have on our platform, Add Listings and Reach Further to increase your revenue potential.

Step 1

Sign Up

This is when we start getting to know you.

Before you can claim or add a Listing, you must first sign up for an account. Already have an account? Great! Just sign in when prompted.

Step 2

Claim Listings

Don’t give someone else the keys to your house.

We often add Listings on behalf of businesses, and maybe we’ve already added yours. Find yours and take control!

Step 3

Add Listings

Didn’t find a Listing on our platform to claim? We got you! 

We make it easy to put your stores or websites in front of a large audience. 

Step 4

Choose Your Deets4 Membership

Select a Deets4 membership plan that’s right for you.

We invite you to check out the various Listing Features available in each plan so that you’re making the best-informed decision.

Have Questions?

If so, we would love to help.

Step 5

Listing Submission & Approval

The final step to joining the DEETS family!

After claiming or adding a listing and choosing your membership level, you’ll receive an email confirmation and your Listing will be submitted to our team for approval.

Once approved we’ll let you know that it’s time to build your Listing and make it shine.

Step 6

Build Your Listing

Turn lurkers into customers!

The more complete your Listing is, the more trust you’ll establish immediately and the fewer questions you will have to answer. Don’t let an incomplete Listing be the cause of someone picking your competitor over you.

Now that you’ve chosen your membership level, log into your account to fully customize and elevate your listing.

Step 8.

Additional Listings

Take full advantage of your FIT plan.

Depending on your FIT membership, you can have up to 4 Listings published on our platform. Use the Listing Type cards below to add more Listings.

Step 7

Reach Further

Keep elevating and reaching more customers!

Once your Listings are added to our platform, take advantage of Promoted Listings to give your Listing higher priority on Listings page above all other listings.

Hello there!

Stay up-to-date on all new listings and exclusive deals with stores & brands.

We’ll never send you spam or share your email address.
Find out more in our Privacy Policy.

Claim Listing
Find and take control of any Listings your business has on our platform.
Reach Out